Water Project

Kuna Engineering will be presenting their findings and requesting City input at the May 8th City Council Meeting.
Time/Date: 6:00PM on Wednesday, May 8th at the Kachemak Center. The public is welcome! 

Dear City of Kachemak Residents,

Below is a letter from Kuna Engineering, an engineering firm that the State of Alaska has chosen to research water source options for the City of Kachemak. This is being funded by a grant through the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation's Village Safe Water Program. As clarification, this grant does not address piped water to the City's residents. It only addresses locating a good source for water, an important first step for any future considerations.

Attached is both a fillable PDF form and a printable form that Kuna Engineering would like you to use to provide information that will help in making recommendations going forward.  A PDF copy of the letter from Kuna Engineering, Kevin Walch is also attached. Your assistance in this is greatly appreciated!

When you have completed the survey form, please submit to one of the following:

- Email it to Kevin Walsh: KWalsh@kunaeng.com

- Send it to the City of Kachemak: 59906 Bear Creek Drive, Homer, 99603

- Drop it off in the City of Kachemak drop box, or at the office.

- We will also have copies of the form at the City Office that you may pick up and complete. 

Thank you for your help in this project!

...mark bowman...

IT/Project Manager, City of Kachemak


City of Kachemak Drinking Water Improvements

Dear City of Kachemak Residents,

The City of Kachemak is taking a major step towards improving access to safe and reliable drinking water for our community. We are currently evaluating public water source options with funding from Village Safe Water and the expertise of Kuna Engineering.

Your Voice Matters
To ensure the proposed improvements best serve the needs of our residents, we are reaching out to gather your valuable feedback. We have attached a questionnaire that explores your current residential water source and preferences.

Completing this questionnaire is crucial in shaping the future of Kachemak's water system. Your insights will help us identify the most effective and sustainable solution.

Site Visit and Questions
Kuna Engineering will be conducting a site visit from May 7th to May 8th to further assess our water infrastructure. They will present the project at the May 8th council meeting.

We appreciate your cooperation and participation in this important initiative. Together, we can ensure a healthy and sustainable water future for Kachemak.


Kevin Walsh, Kuna Engineering, KWalsh@kunaeng.com

City of Kachemak Contact

Laurie Wallace, City Clerk 

Email: cityclerk@kachemak.city,  Phone: 907-235-8897

Kuna Engineering

Daniel Nichols, PE, CCCA

(907) 339-6576


24-05 Kachemak House Survey-Fillable Form.pdf
24-05 Kachemak House Survey-Hand Written Form (1).pdf
24-05 Kachemak Survey Cover Letter.pdf